Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started - 2 min

    2. Custom UI Overview - 3 min

    3. The Role of the UI Developer - 2 min

    1. Introduction - 1 min

    1. Token Server Overview - 2 min

    2. Retrieving connection details - 1 min

    3. Getting started with the Token Server Starter Kit - 4 min

    4. Running the sample Token Server - 2 min

    5. Wrapping up - 1 min

    6. Remotely Deploying a Token Server - 1 min

    1. React Reference UI Overview - 2 min

    2. Running the React Reference UI - 1 min

    3. Getting Started with the React Reference UI - 2 min

    4. Main Components - 2 min

    5. Conversation Components - 2 min

    6. Customize the Image Content Block component - 4 min

    7. Creating a custom Content Block component - 5 min

    8. Utilizing parameter data containing arrays - 5 min

    9. Adding some style! - 1 min

    10. Feedback Survey

    1. Office Hours: Connecting a Custom UI

About this course

  • 21 lessons
  • All the necessary pieces to get you started building a Custom User Interface (UI) for your Digital Person experience.